Finalizing Short Film

It's almost time for my short film to be done. Now that the rough draft is complete I just need to finalize it. This includes crediting the people involved and the music that was used. This also means I needed to look everything over and decide if anything needed any further editing. I made sure to write the names of the people involved. For example, the actor in my short film was my friend Aidan Jones. The starring part of the credit shows Aidan's name. This also applies to the producer, director, and music creators. The audio and voice over got a little unaligned when I was editing in the text. However, this only needed to be fixed back to the way it was. The short film will be available from my groups social medias and website. The main place to stream it will be YouTube. The YouTube account for my short film is attached to my groups website. The website is linked to the social medias as well. This way everything is linked together in a way that lets the audience find what they are looking for. To advertise for the short film, my group has made a postcard. The postcard will also be available on the website and social medias. The postcard gives the audience an idea of what the short film is about. It also shows the social media accounts and a QR code to the website. This QR code can be easily scanned to bring a viewer to my groups website. All that is left is to publish my short film.
