Gathering Materials

Before my group starts filming, props and costumes have to be decided on. My group plans on using costumes that are made up of clothing that is already owned. Not only is this a practical approach for this short film, but it allows my group to skip spending money on costumes. For this short film the characters will be wearing everyday clothes and all black clothes. Due to this, finding clothing to work as the costume for the characters is very doable without making purchases. Also, my group is planning on using an actor that isn't apart of the group in the short film. This actor is a mutual friend of my partner and I. My friend would act as the main character. With this approach the only complication my group has to worry about is finding out if the actor has clothing that suits the character. However, after a brief discussion my group came to the conclusion that the actor will most likely have something in their closet that will work. Other than costumes, my group also needed to gather props. There aren't many props in this short film. Though there might be additions in the future, the props my group will use are paper, an envelope, a pack of gum, a small piece of cloth, cell phones, and a bracelet. Each of these props has a part in my groups short film. Most of the props my group needs have already been found. Though, my group will buy a pack of gum to use in the short film on the day that filming occurs. The idea behind this plan is to get the gum on the same day as filming so my group doesn't accidently lose it. My group plans on filming the short film over the course of two days. Due to this the costumes and props used will be accounted for to make sure everything is ready for the second day of filming. The first day of filming will take place at my house and my group will record about half of the total duration of the short film.


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