Researching Thriller Genre

Thrillers usually deal with a lot of intrigue and suspense. Common camera angles and movements in Thrillers are high angles, close ups, and tilted. Long shots and over the shoulder shots are also commonly used in Thrillers. A commonly used camera movement in Thrillers  is tracking. In a thriller common Mis-En-Scene are the costumes and they usually are casual. The lighting is usually dim and low. The acting is traditionally worried, scared, and concerned. Props in thrillers are most likely weapons for either the protagonist or the antagonist to use. The setting is usually scary, small and dark. Common sound in Thrillers are suspending music, sound effects like small noises increased to loud volume and loud noises. The editing commonly used in thrillers is cutaways. It creates suspense, tension, and also conveys the emotions of the actor. Example of Thriller Movies are The Joker, Countdown and Fantasy Island. I like that a thriller is very suspenseful and how the tension grows throughout the movie. A thriller allows for the viewer to be engaged as to what’s going to happen next while they are afraid of what they are looking at. My group likes being able to control the level of suspense. However, I don't like that a lot of thrillers use dim lighting which can limit filming options.


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