Researching Drama Genre

The Drama genre deals with lots of emotion or excitement. There are usually filled with conflicts that deal with the emotion or excitement. Common camera angles and movements found in the drama genre are extreme long shot, long shot, medium shot, close up, extreme close up, high angle, and low angle. Common sounds in action are diegetic sound, dialogue, and sound effects. Common Mis-En-Scene are props that are usually broken throughout a fight and a setting that is usually suited for some sort of battle. Common editing in action are cross-cutting, cutaway, and cuts. Example of some films in this genre are Titanic, The Fallout, and Amsterdam. My group likes the how there are a lot of shots used in order to keep the viewer engaged. However, my group doesn't like how many emotional scenes use fake crying, this is because my group isn't sure how well fake crying could be replicated.


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