A Level Introduction

Hi, my name is Jack Strien. Last school year I took AICE Media Studies at the AS level. I'm now sixteen years old, in the eleventh grade, and starting to take AICE Media Studies at the A level. On my AS level AICE exam I didn't get the score I had hoped for. This year, on the A level exam I intend to make myself better prepared for the exam and receive a higher score. I believe I can preform much better on my AICE Media Studies exam this year than I did last year. Even though they aren't the same exam I think I have a much better understanding of how I should treat my studying and preparing for my AICE exams and will try my absolute best on the A level AICE Media Studies exam. This school year I have developed new goals, but I still intend to get my AICE diploma. In my ninth grade year I earned two AICE credits. Last year, my tenth grade year, I earned four AICE credits. In all I now have six AICE credits and I'm taking three more AICE classes this year. I should have nine AICE credits in all when I'm done with my classes this year. However, I still need to reach my service hour requirements, which I will definitely have reached by the end of the school year. Outside of school, I've developed some newer hobbies, interests, and goals. Now that I'm sixteen, I'm old enough to get my drivers license if I pass the drivers exam. Though I'm not the worst driver and have some experience driving with my permit, this year I'd like to get more serious and hopefully have my license by the end of 2022. Also, I have become much more serious about going to the gym. I'm very interested in the gym, making my muscles stronger, and gaining overall strength related capabilities and milestones in the gym. Other than these two interests and goals, I also like to hang out with my friends outside of school. Luckily for me, I also have friends who share similar goals and passions as me so I'm able to relate to them more and enjoy my passions and interests even more. My friends at school and outside of school help push me to try harder at the things I'm interested in, like getting stronger in the gym and preparing for my tests and exams. I feel like I have changed a good deal since last year and I'm excited to do better in this class this year. 


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