Making Adjustments

Due to the film reviews my group received from friends outside the group, my group now knows what adjustments should be made for the final product. However, several members of my group also got the opportunity to review their friend's films. This opportunity allowed my group members to gain insight on how further changes could be made to then increase the quality of the film. Reviewing films made by other classmates gave my group a solid understanding on how dynamics like transitions and sound effects could play out in the film. Though these changes are not major by any means, they should make the film playout better. Essentially, I will change most of the transitions to make them smoothly change into the next clip. Some clips had no transitions and this made the film a little sloppy in some parts. Other clips used a transition called "Slide." There isn't really anything bad about this transition. However, this transition would work better in a presentation instead of a film. The transition basically slides one clip in front of another once the first clip has ended. Instead, I will use two other transitions. These transitions are called "Dissolve" and "Fade." Of all the possible transitions these are the best to use on a film. Also, for sound effects I made small changes. Before any changes were made, my group decided to not remove any of the already chosen sound effects. This is because my group likes how they work with the film and found out that adjustments can be made to the sound effects as well. After finding this out, I looked over the ways I could adjust the sound effects. The main things I can change about them are their volumes and speeds. I didn't need to change the speed the sound effects played at, but by changing the volumes of the sound effects they sounded more suitable for the clips they were in. To do this, I lowered the volume on each sound effect and it made the dialogue sound better as well as make the sound effects seem more realistic. With this being done my group is pretty satisfied with the results of the film. Also, my group doesn't shouldn't have to make any significant changes to the film anymore. Next, my group will review each clip any watch the film multiple times to make sure nothing else needs to be done.


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