My group first met at my house. I had made sure to previously move the things I didn't want in the background out of the room I planned on filming in. My group got situated in the room which is by my front door. Though, I had some immediate concerns. This room has windows so there is a little bit of natural light that is shinning through. Though there isn't enough to light up the whole room. This was a little problematic because the only other option was to turn on the room lights. The room lights were making the shots look a little yellow in the clips my group recorded. However, after my group spent some time trying to adjust both the light dimness and the curtains, my group was able to find lighting that would work with the camera my group was using. Since the camera on my partners iPhone is somewhat high quality, my group decided to film with my partners phone. To make sure the shots looked as good as possible, my group shot the clips in 4k with the iPhone. In order to ma...
Scene 1: This scene begins with extreme close-ups on the actor's eyes and facial expressions and shifts between the two. There will not be much background definition, and it will last for three to five seconds. Scene 2: This scene will consist primarily of a wide shot of the actor walking down a railroad, and will pan to follow the actor as they curve further along the track. It will last several seconds longer than the last. Scene 3: This scene will begin with a low angle shot and will move further up the actor's profile until the focus is on the sun. This scene will be roughly as long as the one preceding it, and will be filmed fairly far away. Scene 4: This scene will be a still shot of the actor sitting on a curb and will be flashed very quickly (~2-3 seconds) to serve as a placeholder between two more dynamic scenes. Scene 5: This scene will return to the shot of the sun before the still was shown, and the sun will subtly fade into a shot of a lit street lamp, with the ...
Hi, my name is Jack Strien. I'm 15 years old and in the tenth grade. I go to Fort Lauderdale High School and take AICE Media Studies in my 3rd hour class. I initially wanted to take the course so I could learn more about analyzing and understanding the things I see in media related content. I have watched and still do watch a lot of tv shows and movies. I think because of this I started to develop an interest in what happens behind the scenes. When my older sister went to high school she took a class for photography. Sometimes when she was doing assignments I would see what she was doing. I always thought it was cool how she was taking pictures from different angles. Though I do know AICE Media Studies will be hard at times I'm still excited to learn about it. I would like to establish at least a basic understanding of the different aspects of this class. Learning about camera angles and editing are the aspects I'm looking forward to the most. I don't have any experie...
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