Title Research: Underwater (2020)


  1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?

There are a total of 21 titles shown in the opening sequence to Underwater, counting individual acting credits. This sequence of credits begins with the name of the studio, followed by an associate and the production company, immediately followed by the title of the film. Next comes a series of actor credits, the credits of the casting director, the credits of the music creators, the visual effects credits, the editor credits, the production designer, the director of photography, the executive producer, the subordinate producers, the storywriter, the screenplay writers, and finally, the director credit.

  1. What connotations do the images carry?

The images are deeply ominous, setting the tone for the rest of the film. They are filmed in almost entirely shades of black and white, with a primary focus on black and darker colors such as deep blues, lending itself to an air of gloom and foreboding. The images also describe a descent into danger for the characters in the film.

  1. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?

The science fiction genre is reinforced through the detailed description of technological advancements in the film. The opening sequence describes a deep-sea mining project using highly advanced technology, which is critical to the sci-fi genre. The inclusion of an unidentified beast, monster, or otherwise otherworldly antagonist is also common within the science fiction genre.

  1. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The opening sequence is filmed with an air of immediate suspense and intrigue designed to attract viewers of all demographics. The film is set in a sufficiently realistic world to where it does not drive away realist demographics, but is futuristic enough to where it can’t simply be interpreted as a commentary on the current state of the world. It also attracts fans of both technological and alien sci-fi movies.


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