Title Research: Innerspace (1987)


  1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?There are a total of 21 titles displayed over the course of the course of this films opening sequence. The titles include credits for, among the other individuals, the person who directed the movie, the companies involves with producing the movie and their associates, the cast, editors, executive producers, and co-executive producers.

  1. What connotations do the images carry?

The images are intentionally ambiguous, and are difficult to interpret while lacking information which is later revealed. Their nonspecific opaqueness helps set the tone of the film as being mysterious and confused, and the images displayed are generally ominous, again setting the film's tone.

  1. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?

The science fiction genre is usually highly dependent on a sense of mystery, wonder, or awe surrounding its technological developments and advancements. The opening sequence helps establish the mysterious aspect of the genre in the example of this particular film.

  1. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The various mysterious images and the intrigue they create are used to attract and engage audience members to ensure their interest, a common method of acquiring and retaining viewers. Another convention used is the particular method used to transition into the beginning of the film. The ambiguous images morph into a clear cut picture and this is used to outline the film's establishing shot.


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