Today my group was going to add the finishing touches to our Music Video. We had to still mess with the visual effects and the run time. Unfortunately, when we went to work on it today we found out that it didn't save the last part of what we did yesterday. Around twenty seconds of our film was gone at this point and the soundtrack didn't match the video properly. We had to fix the music part and the last two scenes. We reinserted the clips and started to fit it in properly. We tried to make it like it was before but we have no idea what that was entirely like. We then put in the music and started working on it. We planned on using the song from 00:44-01:56. My partner was working on the placement once we got the intervals cut out. It was tricky to get the music to play at the same time but we got it eventually. Our film used two separate timelines. Each timeline was at a different location. One timeline was the bridge and the other was the railroad. We wanted to make it inferable that the timelines were separate so we decided we should use a filter. We then added a filter to our railroad timeline. In doing this it expressed that there was definitely a difference in the timelines. When we were deciding on a filter we had to choose between Blue, Vintage, and Western. We liked each of them but Vintage had the best effect for us, so we went with it. After applying it to ever railroad scene we made out final adjustments to the scenes and time, after that we had finished completely.
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