Due to our decision to make a Gatorade commercial we will use athletic wear and Gatorade bottles as our in hand props.
For our commercial both group members will be on camera. The main focus will go towards one group member who we will refer to as A1(Actor 1). Both group members will be wearing lightweight athletic wear, generally in a lighter color such as gray for example. Both members will be in some form of running shoe, but the shoes won't be anything flashy.
9/22/21: Group members research commercials for our product(Gatorade) to find conventions and codes, and began to plan for the commercial.
9/24/21: Group members will be storyboarding the commercial, and possibly making adjustments to the visuals.
9/28/21: Group members will be filming/recording the necessary shots and scenes.
9/30/21: Group members will edit, and reshoot if needed.
Location list-
When group members start to film they will use the track field to their school. While they're there they intend to film actors racing with the main actor(A1) loosing the first race, drinking Gatorade, and winning the next race. This plan is likely to change because group members have not storyboarded yet. Showing A1 loosing will make it clear to watchers that A1 will utilize Gatorade to give them the energy they need to win the next race.
Backup plan-
If group members are unable to use the track field there will be likely be some revisions that allow the same or similar plot to take place in the school directly.
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